xmovies8 Gladiator (2000) Full Movie HD 1080p

Actors - Oliver Reed; Adventure; liked it - 1239150 votes; Directed by - Ridley Scott; David Franzoni; Story - In 180 A.D. Rome, the weary and dying emperor, Marcus Aurelius, names his loyal and triumphant general, Maximus Decimus Meridius, his successor and protector of Rome, much to the dismay of his haughty and unbalanced son, Commodus. But, instead, death and entrapment await, as the embittered and blind with rage rival rewards Rome's hero with an order for his execution, only to wind up as a slave to the former gladiator, Proximo. From the vast deserts of North Africa, a new Maximo will rise as a gladiator, hacking and slashing his way through all the way up to Mother Rome and the unsuspecting dictator, Commodus. But will the popular general ever find peace in a long-awaited retribution?


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Man I wish I was in that remake Im 67 as the thumbnail shows... still like to be a retiarius, the net and the Trident fighter. Gladiator (2000) full movie hd 1080p full movie. Did this just randomly apear on your recommendation as well. I knew a man once who said, Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back. Actually, the truth we have all come to realise is that every working man is a Maximus. Gladiator (2000) full movie hd 1080p online. Gladiator (2000) Full Movie HD 1080px.

I knew Joaquin since Gladiator, not after watching Joker

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